ME 2463

Sara Slawson is a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist. She is also a professionally insured member of the American Massage Therapy Association. In April 2008, Sara graduated with honors from the Baltimore School of Massage, the oldest massage therapy school on the East Coast, and she has been putting her top-notch education to good use ever since. Throughout her massage career, Sara has learned that no two sessions are alike. Everyone has their own set of life experiences and a unique relationship to their body, which deeply affects their personal massage style preferences and needs. This understanding has enabled Sara to utilize her training and experience to tailor each massage session to the needs of her clients. Those seeking to relieve the effects of stress, chronic pain, headaches, repetitive motion syndromes and specific injuries or conditions may opt for treatment-oriented techniques such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release. Clients appreciate her firm touch, her intuition and her specific knowledge of anatomy. Other clients prefer the simple relaxation of Swedish, Hot Stone Massage, or Reflexology. In any case, client satisfaction is guaranteed.